A Day In The Life
Morning Exploration
Every morning the classroom is set up with provocations. A provocation is an open ended activity that doesn’t have a prescribed outcome. Instead it is designed to stimulate ideas, initiative and imagination for children. Provocations are simple and displayed beautifully to provoke interest. During provocations, the children are slowing down, looking closely, noticing new things and looking at what is set up for them to explore. The children develop their fine motor skills as well as their concentration and eye-hand coordination, as they engage in these activities. Children work one-on-one with teachers, in groups or alone.
Outdoor Exploration
We get out in nature for fresh air & exercise, daily. The playground offers opportunities for the children to play physically by running, climbing, sliding, riding, and swinging. These activities help to develop their gross motor skills. In spring & summer, we will have a garden and opportunities for the kids to experience planting and caring for vegetation. When it is raining or snowing we will take I-Spy walks within the building, and do large motor activities like obstacle courses & movement songs.
Learning Circle
This is our opportunity to hone in on our unit of study. We sit down together daily to learn about a specific topic or concept. During this time we may read a book, play a game, do an experiment, have a discussion, or do some play-acting. Any one of these expressions are ways to expand our knowledge of a given topic.